GCIG- KolGoTrg is proud to be the first ever research group from India to become a member group of GCIG (Gynecologic Cancer InterGroup) and participate in GCIG/ CCRN clinical trials. In addition, we presented our own studies in the platform for the 1st time from India in the 2020 virtual spring meeting held at Chicago and are working towards becoming a full member.


URL: gcigtrials.org/site/2645

DST UKIERI- DST UKIERI supported the 1st Translational research day held on 31st January 2018 at Tata Medical centre, Kolkata and the 1st annual meeting held at the Biswa Bangla convention centre held in March 2019. Many of the KolGoTrg projects have been funded through the in kind contribution from the DST UKIERI grant as a parent project including collaborative efforts with UCL CTC (CRUK) which laid the foundation for the collaboration with GCIG. We acknowledge the visit and support from the British Council to Kolkata in May 2018 where we showcased our research portfolio in front of the then- Deputy Chair of the British Council, Baroness Usha Prashar. This resulted in a subsequent invitation of the Founder Secretary, Dr. Asima Mukhopadhyay, to the House of Lords in the British Parliament in June 2018.


Strand Life Sciences supported our inaugural meeting on 7th January 2018. A formal MOU was signed with Strand LS to support our genetic counselling training programme and as an external partner for the DST-UKIERI (PROVAT 1 project) including collaboration with DFCI, Harvard for the PROVAT-6 study.


MEDGENOME supported our inaugural series meeting in April 2018. A formal MOU was signed on 16th October 2019 to support our biobanking and PROVAT translational group of studies. In addition, we have been academic partners in academia-industry collaboration for grant application focusing on Immune Oncology as well genetics (Wellcome Trust DBT IA fellowship application)


Jivdaya Foundation USA has been supporting three projects initially with Tata Medical Centre Kolkata, which have been subsequently expanded to be KolGoTrgprojects with inclusion of other regional centres/ sites. These projects are – SOCQER-INDIA, HEPTROC, Integrated palliative care in Gynaecological Oncology and survivorship programs.  A formal MOU is being considered to further and continue this collaboration


I3T – A formal MOU was signed on 17th January 2020 with the International Institute for Innovation and Technology to collaborate on areas of cancer biology and public health project including education and training courses for health care providers in cancer


World ovarian cancer coalition- KolGoTrg is proud to be a charter champion and feature in WOCC presentations including the IGCS presidential plenary session in September 2020. I addition we look forward to participating in the WOCC Every Women study from India and WOCC is also a collaborator for our NuGenA.


OVARCOME USA- We have signed a MOU with OVARCOME on 7th January 2021 for collaboration on projects in ovarian cancer and advocacy. OVARCOME will part fund the pilot project NuGenA on nurse led genetic counselling and awareness